Vaccine appointments are now available 7 days a week
Proof of address and/or employment status in Kings County will be required at the time of your appointment. Transportation to your vaccine appointment is available by KART!Please call (559)852-2776 to request transportation to your vaccine appointment. Please provide a 24 hour notice prior to your appointment time.
Youth age 12 and up are now eligible to be vaccinated with the
Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine
- A parent or legal guardian must be present at the time of vaccination.
- You must be age 18 or older to receive the Moderna or Johnson & Johnson vaccines.
Please continue to check this page regularly for updates; your patience is appreciated as staff work diligently to make vaccine available to eligible Kings County residents.
The Kings County Department of Public Health is coordinating with local health care providers to administer COVID-19 vaccines to all residents 12 and above. The State has launched its Vaccinate all 58 campaign, which provides additional details, resources and information to the public.
El Departamento de Salud Pública del Condado de Kings está coordinando con los proveedores de atención médica locales para administrar las vacunas COVID-19 a medida que estén disponibles. El Estado ha lanzado su campaña Vaccinate ALL 58 campaign, que brinda al público detalles, recursos e información adicionales.
Vaccine safety is a top priority. The U.S. vaccine safety system ensures that all vaccines are as safe as possible.
Learn how the federal government is working to ensure the safety of COVID-19 vaccines.
La seguridad de las vacunas es una prioridad absoluta. El sistema de seguridad de las vacunas de los Estado Unidos garantiza que todas las vacunas sean lo más seguras posible.
Conozca cómo está trabajando el gobierno federal para garantizar la seguridad de las vacunas COVID-19.
Why get vaccinated?
Do it for yourself, your family, and your community. When you’re vaccinated against COVID-19, you protect yourself from a deadly disease. Vaccinate to stop the spread to your friends, your family, your elders, and the people who work hard to keep our communities safe and open.
- Your chances of being hospitalized with COVID-19 become almost zero
- COVID-19 cases will drop, and schools and businesses will safely reopen
- We can all get back to the things we love
¿Por qué vacunarse?
Házlo por ti, tu familia y tu comunidad. Cuando te vacunas contra el COVID-19, te proteges de una enfermedad mortal. Vacúnate para detener la propagación entre tus amigos, tu familia, tus ancianos y las personas que trabajan duro para mantener nuestras comunidades seguras y andando.
- Las posibilidades de ser hospitalizado por el COVID-19 se reducen a casi cero
- Los casos de COVID-19 disminuirán y las escuelas y negocios volverán a abrir
- Todos podremos hacer de nuevo las cosas que tanto nos gustan