Kings-Tulare Counties Central Committees Fundraiser Dinner
Sponsorship Levels
Presidential Level Activist $3,000
Includes a table for 8, full page ad in program, logo displayed in multimedia presentation,
honorable mention from the podium, premium table placement (Center of room), certificate of
recognition, VIP Reception with Keynote Speaker.
Senatorial Level Activist $2,500
Includes a table for 8, 3/4 page ad in program, logo displayed in multimedia presentation,
honorable mention from the podium, premium table placement (Center of room), certificate of
recognition, VIP Reception with Keynote Speaker.
Representative Level Activist $1,500
Includes a table for 8, 1/2 page ad in program, 1/4 slide logo displayed in multimedia
presentation, honorable mention in the program.
State Level Activist $1,000
Includes a table for 8, 1/4 page ad in program, group listed on slide in recognition in multimedia
General Admission Ticket $75
Includes 1 seat, no host reception, dinner, and music
Event Details:
Date: Saturday, March 8, 2025 Program: 6:00pm to 7:00pm Registration, Networking reception,
No host cocktails 7:00pm to 9:00pm Dinner and Program
Wyndham Visalia 9000 W Airport Dr, Visalia, CA 93277
Questions Contact
Karla Orosco : (559) 816-3486
- Kings-Tulare Counties Central Committees Fundraiser Dinner
- ______ Yes, I will be a Presidential Level Activist $3,000
- ______ Yes, I will be a Senatorial Level Activist at $2,500
- ______ Yes, I will be a RepresentativeLevel Activist at $1,500
- ______ Yes, I will be a State Level Activist at $1,000
- ______ Yes, I will buy a table for 8 at $600
- ______ Yes, I will attend at $75 per person x _______ persons.
- Advertising in Program
- _______ Back page $500 (5”w x 8”h)
- _______ Full page $300 (5”w x 8”h)
- _______ Half page $150 (5”w x 4”h)
- _______ Quarter page $75 (2.5”w x 4”h or 5w x 2 “h)
- Regretfully, I cannot attend. Please accept my contribution in the amount of $___________
- Please make check payable to: Kings County Democratic Central Committee FPPC#931318
- Mail Checks & Sponsorship Form to: P.O. Box 2500, Visalia, CA 93279
- Or purchase tickets online at: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/kingstulare
- Name ______________________________ Address ___________________________________ City _________________
- State ______ Phone _____________Email ______________________ Occupation ____________________
- Employer Name_______________ Self Employed ______ ______
- # of Beef and ChickenMeal(s) _____
- # of Vegetarian Meal(s) Dietary Needs ___
- Dairy Free ___
- Gluten Free ___
- Nut Free ___
- Vegan ___
- Other:____________________________________________________________________
- **Please contact Randy Evans (559) 331-6176 if you have a special needs diet.
- Payment Information:
- Credit Card Number___________________________ Expiration Date _______________
- Signature _________________________________________________________________
- For Individuals
- 1. I am a US citizen or a permanent resident alien
- 2. This contribution is made from my own funds and funds are not being provided to me by another person or entity for the purpose of making this contribution.
- 3. I am making this contribution with my own personal credit card and not with a corporate or business credit card or a card issued to another person.
- 4. I am at least 18 years old
- Signature _________________________________________________________________