Gubernatorial Candidate Betty Yee & Congressman Costa to Speak at Kings/Tulare DCC Fundraiser

Betty T. Yee served as California State Controller from 2015 to 2023 and currently serves as CADEM Vice Chair.

Kings-Tulare Counties Central Committees Fundraiser Dinner

Sponsorship Levels

Presidential Level Activist $3,000

Includes a table for 8, full page ad in program, logo displayed in multimedia presentation,

honorable mention from the podium, premium table placement (Center of room), certificate of

recognition, VIP Reception with Keynote Speaker.

Senatorial Level Activist $2,500

Includes a table for 8, 3/4 page ad in program, logo displayed in multimedia presentation,

honorable mention from the podium, premium table placement (Center of room), certificate of

recognition, VIP Reception with Keynote Speaker.

Representative Level Activist $1,500

Includes a table for 8, 1/2 page ad in program, 1/4 slide logo displayed in multimedia

presentation, honorable mention in the program.

State Level Activist $1,000

Includes a table for 8, 1/4 page ad in program, group listed on slide in recognition in multimedia


General Admission Ticket $75

Includes 1 seat, no host reception, dinner, and music

Event Details:

Date: Saturday, March 8, 2025 Program: 6:00pm to 7:00pm Registration, Networking reception,

No host cocktails 7:00pm to 9:00pm Dinner and Program


Wyndham Visalia 9000 W Airport Dr, Visalia, CA 93277

Questions Contact

Karla Orosco : (559) 816-3486

  • Kings-Tulare Counties Central Committees Fundraiser Dinner
  • ______ Yes, I will be a Presidential Level Activist $3,000
  • ______ Yes, I will be a Senatorial Level Activist at $2,500
  • ______ Yes, I will be a RepresentativeLevel Activist at $1,500
  • ______ Yes, I will be a State Level Activist at $1,000
  • ______ Yes, I will buy a table for 8 at $600
  • ______ Yes, I will attend at $75 per person x _______ persons.
  • Advertising in Program
  • _______ Back page $500 (5”w x 8”h)
  • _______ Full page $300 (5”w x 8”h)
  • _______ Half page $150 (5”w x 4”h)
  • _______ Quarter page $75 (2.5”w x 4”h or 5w x 2 “h)
  • Regretfully, I cannot attend. Please accept my contribution in the amount of $___________
  • Please make check payable to: Kings County Democratic Central Committee FPPC#931318
  • Mail Checks & Sponsorship Form to: P.O. Box 2500, Visalia, CA 93279
  • Or purchase tickets online at:
  • Name ______________________________ Address ___________________________________ City _________________
  • State ______ Phone _____________Email ______________________ Occupation ____________________
  • Employer Name_______________ Self Employed ______ ______
  • # of Beef and ChickenMeal(s) _____
  • # of Vegetarian Meal(s) Dietary Needs ___
  • Dairy Free ___
  • Gluten Free ___
  • Nut Free ___
  • Vegan ___
  • Other:____________________________________________________________________
  • **Please contact Randy Evans (559) 331-6176 if you have a special needs diet.
  • Payment Information:
  • Credit Card Number___________________________ Expiration Date _______________
  • Signature _________________________________________________________________
  • For Individuals
  • 1. I am a US citizen or a permanent resident alien
  • 2. This contribution is made from my own funds and funds are not being provided to me by another person or entity for the purpose of making this contribution.
  • 3. I am making this contribution with my own personal credit card and not with a corporate or business credit card or a card issued to another person.
  • 4. I am at least 18 years old
  • Signature _________________________________________________________________

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Educators and Students: Know Your Rights With ICE

From California Teachers Assn

Stepped-up activity by ICE enforcement agents are having an impact on immigrant and undocumented students and educators. Educators should become familiar with the following:


Inform your students of their constitutional rights. The Immigrant Legal Resource Center website ( offers downloadable, printable “Know Your Rights” cards in multiple languages, which students can show to an immigration agent. Students should know: 

  • Don’t open the door if an immigration agent knocks on the door.  
  • Don’t answer any questions from an immigration agent if they try to talk to you. You have the right to remain silent.  
  • Don’t sign anything without first speaking to a lawyer.  
  • If you are outside of your home, ask the agent if you are free to leave, and if they say yes, leave calmly.  


Before an ICE raid:  

  • Make it clear to students that your classroom and school are safe havens for all students. Do not inquire or make assumptions about students’ immigration status. 
  • Either provide resources only to students who ask for them or make information and resources available to all students. If your district does not make information available to students, use the resources at (for educators as well).  

During an ICE raid, educators should:  

  • Immediately refer ICE agents to the district office or principal’s office.  
  • Call United We Dream’s hotline (844-363-1423) to report a raid and send a text to 877877.  
  • If possible, take photos and videos, and notes on what happened during the raid.  

District officials should: 

  • Ensure that a parent, guardian or designee is present if a student is questioned by an enforcement agent on school grounds. 
  • Ask to see the enforcement agent’s credentials and warrants and why he or she wants to interview a student, to make sure that the reason is within the scope of ICE’s authority.  
  • Ask the enforcement agent what evidence of reasonable suspicion he or she has to justify the interview.  
  • Encourage enforcement agents to interview students outside of school hours and off school grounds.  

For more information, available in multiple languages for students and families, go to

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The American Oligarchy

One of them owns the Washington Post. Another owns TwitterX. One used to host a TV show on NBC. Another owns Facebook. Joe & Mika will be added later, maybe. Not what you’d expected after what happened on January 6, 2021, eh?

Oligarchs combine government and corporate power in a person accountable to neither. They’re not elected, and can’t be voted out. They’re not subject to market discipline; much of their wealth comes from government contracts, and government decisions that favor their businesses. They build a vast personal influence empire within government and private society, and openly bully, control or get rid of elected politicians who cross them. Oligarchs are a product of weakening democracies, but do everything in their power to make democratic decline permanent, entrenching power not in we the people, but in them and their oligarchic friends.

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The Question is Whether We’ll Continue to Allow Republicans to Take us Back to the 1950s

Or 1850? 1550? 1150?

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Tepid Media, Yes – Liberal, Certainly Not

The media are but the piano player in a brothel. – unknown

Updated Jan. 2025

“…of the 257 news/talk stations owned by the top five commercial station owners reveals that 91 percent of the total weekday talk radio programming is conservative, and 9 percent is progressive.” -The Structural Imbalance of Political Talk Radio.

More dialogue on liberal messaging can be found here; conservative radio targets Latino communities too. Rush Limbaugh is no longer with us but the industry he created is alive and well, sadly..

Anyone know of any billionaire Liberals who might buy up some radio & TV networks for us to use?? It just might help to make activist folks’ job quite a bit easier. Just sayin’.

Cartoon courtesy of Tom Tomorrow via Daily Kos.

“Rupert Murdoch’s lie machine is directly responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans, the poisoning of our democracy and the stoking of a cold civil war. There has never been anything like it and it is beyond terrible for the country. Bar none, Rupert Murdoch is the worst and most dangerous immigrant to ever arrive on American soil. There are no words for the awfulness of his cancerous network.” -Steve Schmidt, former Republican consultant

Democrats spent over $10.5 billion on TV & radio advertising in the 2024 election cycle. Estimated startup costs to purchase a radio station can range from $10,000 (online radio) to over $1 million (traditional FM station with high-quality equipment and studio space). Knowledge in broadcasting, audio engineering, marketing, programming, and general business management. Put a few radio stations in places like Omaha, Fresno, Kansas City, Des Moines, Indianapolis, Dayton, might help our cause – although, even media markets like Los Angeles & New York City do not have a robust progressive radio station. Indeed, the bastion of liberalism, San Francisco, once had a wonderful news/talk station, KGO 810 AM, with hosts worthy of Hall-of-Fame cred – now broadcasts Sean Hannity and other conservative hosts on its 50,000 watt blow-torch, reaching the entire western United States at night (via the ionosphere skip).

Consider that the money we spent on local TV ads, at least in the Fresno market, were matched or doubled by opposition ads; within a couple minutes, viewers would see our candidate as a great guy and a villain – it’s a wash at best. It’s a great deal for the TV station revenues who don’t even point out to viewers that Trump is an admitted/adjudicated sexual predator and convicted on 34 felony counts for fraud. It’s a win-win for them while keeping in good graces with Dear Leader. So, messed up..

So, the question for Democratic leadership might ask at what point do we wake-t-f-up and finally do something about it?

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Who Will Protect Social Security & Medicare?

When it’s gone …

Unfortunately, MAGA Republicans have majority in the House, Senate, White House and U.S. Supreme Court. After mass-deportation, their first order of business is to protect the interests of the wealthy and their tax cuts. Only working class Americans stand in their way – but we need help.

It’s important we keep the heat on Republican Rep. Valadao, 202-225-4695 in Washington, D.C. or 559-460-6070 in Hanford. More to come, we suspect..

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Who’s On Your School Board?

How could this even be a discussion?

Daily Kos has an article which explains well the xenophobic tendencies of some in our society. “Unless we are consistent with efforts before there’s an incident to have the kind of measured conversations about race and racism, we’re never going to get out of this kind of cycle,” said Elaine Gross, with the group Erase Racism.

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What’s in Inflation Reduction Act

✔️$370 billion climate/energy funding
✔️Medicare negotiates rx prices
✔️Medicare out-of-pocket cap: $2,000
✔️Medicare insulin cap
✔️3-year Affordable Care Act $ extension
✔️$5 billion drought resiliency
✔️15% corporate minimum tax
✔️1% excise tax stock buybacks
✔️Extra IRS enforcement

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Both Sides are NOT the Same

Thank you for voting during any and all elections. It’s the only way to stay free.

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Who Is Antifa?

We are, of course. Thank you Lincoln Project.

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